Demo Day FAQ

Demo Day FAQ

What is Demo Day?

Over 180 days, a group of 50+ founders are competing in a friendly event to build & sell their company as profitably as possible. Demo Day is a public event after the challenge for interested investors to meet the founders, learn about their companies, and inquire with the founders about acquiring (all founders have the intention to sell on MicroAcquire after 180 days).

When is Demo Day?

Demo Day will take place sometime in early October 2021.

Where is Demo Day held?

Demo Day will be held online with free attendance for all to attend.

What's the pitch format for Demo Day?

Demo Day is a one-day virtual event. Each company will have three minutes to present, with intermittent breaks throughout the day. We will have a website available for your viewing with direct access to the live stream alongside key company metrics & contact information for each company.

Can I see information on which companies will be presenting?

Absolutely, see our Challenge Roster full of founders & their respective companies. All founders are Building in Public on Twitter, so check out their personal profile's for company updates.
Still have questions? Send an email to and I'd be glad to help!
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